jueves, 14 de febrero de 2019

Review: Nocturnal (GER), Thrash with the Devil CD.

Nocturnal - Thrash with the Devil

It was something like early 2000 when I met this band, just with a rotten CDr burned from a friend of mine, in those years, when even if some people were bitching (sometimes contradictory, as usual in the last years of Metal scene), many -NOT TO SAY ALL- were downloading happily a lot of stuff from servers as Emule, or just blogs (me included). You know, the times when everything just started to definitely change; I would say, not for Metal only, but for the entire society and world. Anyway...
At the same time, those were the years in which the called "retro-thrash" -or anything- was striking the scene and we use to get so many children "dressed" for a masquerade ball with white tennis, jackets with 666 patches, and hair-cuts "like in the 80s". Even if some people bitched stupid attitudes, in some way I suppose, garbage can also get some good -or at least interesting- points. You know, maybe sometimes you can find some pieces of gold in the sewer. From that time to now there are many bands, that, even following style of the classics, are worthy and metallers can yet say "are good". Get my point.
Of course, Nocturnal is led by committed people, I know, people involved in the scene and contributing to make it bigger, or at least to still fighting and survive. Sometimes I get a kind of strange hallucinations or supposed Metal ideas, that gets my mind to think on occult Metal forces that put things were things should be, giving the honor to raise a Metal banner to those that deserve it. Then, I would say Nocturnal are among the chosen. Once you put this CD to run, the simple fact that you are going to listen is evil thrash Metal in its rawest form!!! A noisy recording, even those that expect to "professional releases" would say this release is totally fucked!!! Of course, you, merciless warrior of darkness, know what this really means: EXTREME AND TRADITIONAL METAL IN ITS ESSENCE!!! We, the clandestine and bloody metallers want METAL!!! Not "professional releases". Let these for posers!!! Hahahahaaaaa... We value more than "professional" skills. Even not being something bad, there are also other important things in priority. So, this entire release of Nocturnal is something that you will delight!!! I had never "musical skills" (neither want too), but is obvious there are not a lot to analyze. Just the noise of Nocturnal is raw. Hardly I can listen the bass (in fact that is my fault, I almost cannot listen to this in any Metal recording, hahaha...) and cannot listen to the entire drums, but cymbals only (even the demo as bonus easily any drug addict or drunk could say has no drums...).
This CD includes "Thrash with the Devil" MLP, but also "Rites of the Black Mass" demo. I have the 2012 version from THRASHING RAGE RECORDS, that in fact, nobody know so much, but I guess it is very close to the band; you know, like a confident label. In total it has 11 tracks. Speaking about the booklet, I would say it kills, just in grey colors with many pics of these bastards dressed like a reincarnation of old Teutonic thrashers and that. Bullets, patches, chains and satanic worship in its impure form!!!! If you ask me, "Chainsaw Carnage" and "Thrash Attack" are what I like the most. All in all, it is a killer release about a band among the "worthy" on the last decades. If you ask for a reference they are truly descendants of Destruction, aborted from devilish harlots fucked with the satanic lust of Schmier... THRASH TILL DEATH!!!