miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

Int. Artist Jenglot Hitam from Indonesia

1. What is your background?, How did you started to draw?
I’m a self-learnt artist, no formal education or special experience. I started to draw because it’s fun. I am totally interested in the exploration of mind and infinite imagination.

2. How did you meet Metal music?, What is the meaning of Metal for you?
It’s because of all the videos I watched in television and my brother’s influence. Metal is something to die for, I live it, bleed it and will die for it.

3. What are your main inspirations at the time to produce your obscure art?
A lot of things, but especially in dark themes. Music itself, occult books, ancient beliefs, movies and studies of history.

4. What kind of special technic do you use to draw?
I can’t tell what, because I’m not sure if it has a name. But obviously it’s about the major involvement of details and theme exploration.

5. Is there any kind of special or personal feeling that you want to express?, what feeling and why?
Not sure if there’s any, also not sure where this question leads to.

6. With what artists/bands/labels, etc, did you have work?
Many of them, not sure if I can remember them all. Some major names (bands)are Impiety, Nargaroth, Hellfire Deathcult, Infernal Execrator, Abhorer etc.

7. What are the main/highlight works you have made?
Actually my own personal projects, including some series of artwork, triptych, and some conceptual artworks.

8. In what would you say, you difference your own art from other artists?
Not really sure where is the difference, I can’t really say, it’s the viewers who can tell not us, the artists. I let them decide.

9. What about the deals to work with you? What do you ask for? (money, trade stuff only)
I accept payment mainly with money, trade stuff is optional (only for special occassions)

10. Do you work with your art also for other sectors aside of Metal, can you make it professionally?
Yes, but not often. I did some side-projects including commission artwork of comicbooks and movies-related.

11. Speaking about your Metal scene, what bands, distros, labels, zines and other artists, can you recommend?
Band: Exhumation, Label: Pulverized, Zine: Bestial Desecration, Distro: Demonization
Other artists: None

12. Last words and contact!
Contact: Facebook page: Jenglot Hitam Artwork
Instagram: @jh_blackk
Last words: Keep the Underground Spirit Alive! Hail Satan!