Diabolizer: Hail Satan! My background? I rose in the fire of hell and started to draw somehow in the meantime. I've never had such a plasticity. I treat it my primitive scraping as in forms of rest, relaxation...
2.How did you meet Metal music?, What is the meaning of Metal for you?
Diabolizer: Metal is my life, it directs me to a great extent and defines me as a man. And I met this art, by accident, too. Years ago, as a teenager, I went to buy a Swedish tape of the band Europe. But fate wanted this tape was out stock so I blindly bought Metallica "Ride The Lightning". The cover electrified me, the name was familiar to me but I didn't have then any thoughts or knowledge of metal. When I fired that tape at home, I saw that a new chapter started for me. I faded away...
3.What are your main inspirations at the time to produce your obscure art?
Diabolizer: It's hard to be clear about that. It consists of many factors both, spiritual and more the mundane, earthy... We're trying to turn it all into one devilish element, from which all the rest is created, which is also affected by chaos...
4.What kind of special technic do you use to draw?
Diabolizer: A friend of mine noticed (hail Marcin!) it is tribal! haha! I don't use any special ones, I'm not a draftsman, graphic designer or painter. I'm basically doing it for myself, although... several ideas have already been published. I do these primitive incantations of mine with a gel pen or a pastels. No computer processing, just manual work.5.Is there any kind of special or personal feeling that you want to express?, what feeling and why?
Diabolizer: In a sense on paper? All the darkness I would like to grasp which is in my heart and pour it on paper. Just a lack of technique and capability. And the darkness itself can be seen here in terms of feeling... I don't know why. It seems to me that some elements of yourself need to be spit out... or you'll suffocate with what's in your guts...
6.With what artists/bands/labels, etc, did you have work?
Diabolizer: I don't go anywhere with my stuff, I do it all the time rather for myself, and so far, only two of my works went outside. One is still adorning a fresh but rotten Cadaveric Possession/Aggressive Mutilator "Influx Of Hatred" split, several others contain Necrostuprum "Infernal" on one of the most disgusting compilations. There is also a Throneum/Death Invoker split "Pact with theForbidden". And the rest of them decorate a few covers of Blood, Morbid Winds or my Worship Him zine... Aha! And something else will decorate the filthy Cyrograph zine (hail Sobiech!)... I didn't know there is so much of them, haha!
7.What are the main/highlight works you have made?
Diabolizer: Everything I have done so far and gone into the world I have listed the answer above. All the time, something to myself… and rests in the archives...
8.In what would you say, you difference your own art from other artists?
Diabolizer: Lack of talent, technique, quality of performance...
9.What about the deals to work with you? What do you ask for? (money, trade stuff only)
Diabolizer: Everything depends on each individual "order". Although until now, such typical were just two...
10.Do you work with your art also for other sectors aside of Metal, can you make it professionally?
Diabolizer: You saw my sweat on paper. Professionally? Me? There's no chance with what I'm presenting at paper to be pro. Sure, it'd be casually cool to sit in a house with music and fund your account with dollars, but no chance, man! Haha!
11.Speaking about your Metal scene, what bands, distros, labels, zines and other artists, can you recommend?
Diabolizer: Oh, there's too much of that, I think... But what comes to my mind is the following.
• Hordes: Putrid Evil, Bloodthirst, Witchmaster, Impurity Desecration, Cthulhuss, Gallower, Infernal War, Wędrowcy-Tułacze-Zbiegi, Offence, Empheris, Det Gamle Bessat, Haunted Cenotaph, Crippling Madness, Hell's Coronation, Dark Fury, Necrostrigis, Blood Stronghold, Szron,Cadaveric Possession, Xanctux, Halo of Miasma, Fuulmoon Night Ritual, Magog,Whalesong, Furia, Evilfeast, Rot, DWargoat, Stworz, Cult ov The Black Blood, Bestial Raids, Poisoned, Ur, Demage Case, Martwa Aura, Besatt, Embrional, Warfist, Odour of Death, Hate Them All, Kingdom, Doombringer, Cultes Des Ghoules, Necrostuprum, Duch Czerni,Anima Damnata, Raped Christ, Diabolicon, Necrosadist, Ritual Lair and many more.
• Labels: Old Temple, Pagan Records, Morbid Chapel Records, Zły Demiurg, Hell Is Here, Under The Sign Of Garazel, Putrid Cult, Godz Ov War, Fallen Temple, Unpure Records, Werewolf Promotion, Hammerbolt Prod, Mare Production Bunkier Production.
• Zines: Necroscope metal zine, R'Lyeh zine, Apocalyptic Rites zine, Into The Tomb zine, Vaginalluftwaffe zine, ZŁy Demiurg zine, Total Death zine, Riot of Violence zine, Post Mortem zine, Tales From Crematoria zine, Rest in Pain zine, Oldschool Metal Maniac magazine, Tribal Convictions zine, Pestis Spiritus zine, Cyrograf zine, Demented Omen Of Masochism zine, Musick magazine, Necro Mortem Tormentor zine and of course my Worship Him zine! haha!
12.Last words and contact!
Diabolizer: Worship the devil and support the fucking underground! Contact whoever wants will find find it. Burn in hell!