Friday 31 July 2020

Int: Artist Heidi Kettunen (FIN)

1.What is your background/and/or parallel activities?
All I do is art and music. In addition to doing art I play bass in Ride For Revenge and Regere Sinister (where I also do vocals and keyboards).

2.How did you meet Metal music?
I was really young when I remember my older Brother playing guitar and introduced me bands like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, WASP and so. I also stealed KISS`s ”Animalize” vinyl from my dads record collection haha…. I started to play electric guitar and get more into that extreme kind of metal and switched guitar to bass.

3.What were/are your main bands/releases, and your pillars until now?
At the moment I`m bassist in Ride For Revenge (kind of obscure, noisy black metal) and I also have my own band Regere Sinister where I do bass, vocals and keyboards. Other member is Hail Conjurer who does drums & guitar. That Project is way to demolish my deep worship of old hellenic, latin-american and some old European bands

4.What is the meaning of Metal for you?

5.How did you started to draw?
I started drawing at a very young age and continued my hobby when I get older. I always liked specially draw animals, monsters and pre-historic creatures and ones I found from storybooks and horror movies. I did lots of studies with anatomy, skeletal systems and also liked to draw some living model stuff-mainly animals.

6.What are your main inspirations at the time to drawing/performing/produce your obscure art?
For drawing I get inspiration from music of the band I do the artwork. Also nature, nightmares and morbid feelings, dark sides of mind are endless source of attraction. These things are also inspiring me with music I play and create.

7.What kind of special technic do you use to draw?
None… I mainly use cheap markers and lead pencil. Sometimes I do drawings with color pencils and paint with acrylic colors on canvas.

8.What kind of thoughts crosses your mind once you are drawing some abominable/twisted art? Is there any kind of special or personal feeling that you want to express?, what feeling and why?
It depends lot of my current mood. Usually I focus on working things while listening music and try to identify in atmospheres and lyrics etc. It is kind of liberating when you can vomit your most cruel fantasies on paper…..

9.With what artists/bands/labels, etc, did you have work?
Ride for Revenge, Hail Conjurer, Chaos Cascade, Legion of Andromeda, Valhalla Bound, Human Agony, Horse Latitudes, Black Torture, Necrogosto, Antichrist, Necromancer, Hooded Menace, Reptile Womb, Witchcraft… What comes to labels I do lot of illustrations for Bestial Burst and it has been also pleasure to work with such a label like Zombi Danz Records.

10.What is the more bestial art/cover that you were able to draw? What are the main/highlight works you have made?
Hmmm… If speaking about album covers I think that cover drawing I did for Singaporean Black Torture is kind of well succeeded. Their music is bestial Abhorer worship, so I made a cover to conform to the classic theme.

11.In what would you say, you difference your own art from other artists?
Not so much gass-masked goats here. More the ones which are slaughtering some ecclesiastical wimps, hahahaha… I draw more like freehand and sketchy style than some others. Also classical oil paintings and sculptures give me lot of inspiration.

12.What about the deals to work with you? What do you ask for? (money, trade stuff only)
I mainly work with friends and bands I like to listen myself. If I take money for drawings, I always estimate final cost as low as possible, because I like to offer same quality of work for smaller and underground bands. I also like to trade artworks to Records. It`s more than fine for me.

13.Do you work with your art also for other sectors aside of Metal, can you make it professionally?
I have done some single illustrations for other uses than album covers/gig posters/merch etc. But nowadays almost all my works are related to music.

14.Speaking about your Metal scene, what bands, distros, labels, zines and other artists, can you recommend?
If speaking about labels & distros, I would recommend to check catalogues for Bestial Burst, Life Eternal, Zombi Danz, Astral Nightmare, Crimson Tide prods., New Era, and Breath of Pestilence. 
Zines I recommend:  Fall of the Idols, Macabre Overdose, Blasphemer, WOE, Forgotten Chapel & Cthulhu + up coming numbers of Escarro Nuclear are worth to check!

15.Last words and contact!
If interested for artwork or RS demo (trades are most welcome!!), send me mail for this address: Malefic Eye, Porvoonkatu 33a 19, 00510 Helsinki ,Finland.