jueves, 31 de octubre de 2024

Review: Father Befouled - Immaculate Pain EP, 2024.


Father Befouled drowns us into a storm of death metal, where every second of the EP pulverizes bones with desolate fury. This release confirms their pact to a merciless, raw sound that brings to total condemnation. Along the five tracks, this horde unleashes a thick, menacing atmosphere, including two offerings (“Pain Divine” from Morbid Angel and “Vulgar Necrolatry” from Abhorrence), that delives similar intensity and darkness as their originals.

The drums are the dark hammer of this release, keeping an oppressive beat that releaes its power showing no mercy. Each drum hit echoes of damnation, a constant reminder of the brutality that defines this EP. Guitars roar like heavy chains in a cavern, sharp riffs that add density as lost souls through the fire of silence. Guitar work not only builds atmosphere but it pushes the victim listener into a hypnotic trance of pure sonic aggression.

Vocals evoke a ritualistic grunt and is another key element in this hellish experience. This carry the doomish chaos further with a cavernous quality that embodies the EP’s dark, fierce theme. Each line comes with a desperation beyond fury, reaching into a pure, savage devotion to the gods of the most mysterious nothingness. This aspect increases the horror of this bestial noise, keeping the listener in constant tension, waiting the proper time where shadows of darkness will rip their entire soul.

Besides being an offering to the essence of pure death metal, is a dense, and self-tormentor voyage. Father Befouled avoids modern shit, keeping the morbid faith to a solid, brutal approach and a sacred respect for chaos of darkness. It’s a release that challenges victims to resist a high dose of perdition and intensity, perfect for those suicidal minds seeking an unpure connection to the depths of hell.


Father Befouled nos sumerge en una tormenta de death metal, donde cada segundo del EP pulveriza huesos con una furia desoladora. Este lanzamiento confirma su pacto con un sonido despiadado y crudo que lleva a la condena total. A lo largo de las cinco pistas, esta horda desata una atmósfera densa y amenazante, incluyendo dos ofrendas (‘Pain Divine’ de Morbid Angel y ‘Vulgar Necrolatry’ de Abhorrence), que entregan una intensidad y oscuridad similares a las de los originales.

La batería es el martillo oscuro de este lanzamiento, manteniendo un ritmo opresivo que despliega su poder sin mostrar piedad. Cada golpe de tambor resuena con ecos de condena, un recordatorio constante de la brutalidad que define este EP. Las guitarras rugen como cadenas pesadas en una caverna, con riffs afilados que agregan densidad como almas perdidas atravesando el fuego del silencio. El trabajo de guitarra no solo construye atmósfera, sino que empuja al oyente, su víctima, a un trance hipnótico de pura agresión sonora.

La voz evoca un gruñido ritual y es otro elemento clave en esta experiencia infernal. Lleva el caos sombrío aún más lejos, con una cualidad cavernosa que encarna el tema oscuro y feroz del EP. Cada línea se emite con una desesperación que va más allá de la furia, alcanzando una devoción pura y salvaje hacia los dioses del vacío más misterioso. Este aspecto aumenta el horror de este sonido bestial, manteniendo al oyente en tensión constante, esperando el momento en que las sombras de la oscuridad desgarren su alma por completo.

Además de ser una ofrenda a la esencia del death metal puro, es un viaje denso y de auto-tormento. Father Befouled evita la basura moderna, manteniendo una fe mórbida en un enfoque sólido y brutal, con un respeto sagrado por el caos de la oscuridad. Es un lanzamiento que desafía a las víctimas a resistir una alta dosis de perdición e intensidad, perfecto para aquellas mentes suicidas que buscan una conexión impura con las profundidades del infierno.

Bandcamp: https://fatherbefouled.bandcamp.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fatherbefouled

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FatherBefouled


martes, 29 de octubre de 2024

Bubonic Artworks, Stefano Sigismondi, Argentina.


"¡Saludos estimado! En primer lugar agradezco el espacio brindado. Dibujo desde niño, pero fue hace unos diez años que comencé a dibujar con seriedad, haciendo algo más que garabatos sueltos, y también por ese entonces comencé a mostrar los resultados por las redes". 

"El metal apareció en mi vida gracias al arte, cuando compré un CD de Iron Maiden solo por su portada, sin tener idea de lo que encontraría allí adentro. Era prácticamente un niño, y mi interés estaba en todo lo épico, medieval, bélico, etc. Como imaginarás, ese disparador luego fue derivando en obras más y más oscuras, pero sin él, quizás mi interés por los sonidos ruinosos se habría manifestado en otro punto de mi existencia".

"Dibujo desde antes de escuchar metal, y de niño mi mayor inspiración fue sin dudas El Señor de los Anillos (películas), cómics como “300” de Frank Miller, ilustraciones como las de Warhammer, un sinfín de películas bélicas-históricas como Kingdom of Heaven del monumental Ridley Scott, etc. A mi manera de ver, era inevitable caer tarde o temprano en el vórtice del metal, pues todas estas son obras que comparten tanto conceptos como estética con el género, habiendo servido muchas de ellas como manantial de inspiración para muchos músicos".

"Aunque suene poco creíble, mis mayores inspiraciones están fuera del género, al menos en el campo de la pintura, siendo la pintura académica, renacentista y corrientes como el romanticismo mis mayores inspiraciones. Quizás esto no se manifieste de forma directa, pero se puede notar en las posturas exageradas de muchas de mis composiciones, el uso de paños en lugar de atuendos, etc. Por fuera de la pintura, un sinfín de libros y películas de todo tipo. Considero adecuado cierto alejamiento del género a la hora de inspirarse para producir, esto en aras de evitar el agotamiento y la monotonía que genera estar en clausura contemplando siempre más de lo mismo". 

"Actualmente me encuentro trabajando más en obras personales, las cuales se nutren principalmente del romanticismo europeo y de la pintura académica, por lo cual la parte sentimental que inspira a las obras es muy grande, aunque estos sean géneros bastante poco atractivos para el público de hoy en día, sobre todo el público del metal. Sin menospreciar el trabajar para bandas, es importante la búsqueda personal, el mundo del arte es tan basto que limitarse a brindar servicio mercenario a bandas es monótono y genera estancamiento con el paso del tiempo, sin mencionar que en muchos casos los resultados no son los que uno busca, sino que debe ajustarse al criterio ajeno. Habiendo dicho esto, al trabajar para bandas, el común denominador de todos mis trabajos es que sean lo mas sofocantes, explícitos y salvajes posibles".

"Trabajo con una gama de materiales y soportes bastante amplia, siendo el dibujo tradicional con color digital el formato más solicitado. Dentro de lo que es el dibujo, realizo trabajos con BIC (mi material favorito, y el que más impronta personal tiene), microfibras, lápiz grafito, tinta china, acuarelas, marcadores, etc; es un abanico de opciones muy amplios, que ajusto y combino a mi criterio a según de la solicitud del cliente. Paralelamente en lo que es pintura, las dos opciones básicamente son pintura al óleo o acrílico, habiendo en ambas variedades de tamaños. En cuanto a lo digital, prefiero utilizarlo solo para retoques o añadir color, no es de mi agrado el resultado de los dibujos y pinturas completamente digitales, siendo los diseños de logos lo único que trabajo enteramente en este soporte". 

"He trabajado con muchas bandas de mi país y de mi localidad, no quiero equivocarme y mencionar proyectos que aún no ven la luz, pero algunas bandas con las que he trabajado han sido Mohán, Cemetery Dwell, Nuclear Stench, Speed Command, Thanatofilia, etc; otras sudamericanas como Warfare Noise, Crocell, Horrifying, Eyaculator, y otras fuera del continente, como Feral Howl o Anatomia".

"Como comenté, actualmente me encuentro inclinado a realizar obra por fuera del género y de la estética a la que estamos tan familiarizados, sin pensar en una búsqueda de monetización ni de que recepción generará. Poco a poco he ido buscando hacer dinero con mis obras por mi cuenta, imprimiendo posters, stickers, pins, y actualmente remeras, me gustaría lograr generar dinero con mi obra personal para poder dedicarle más tiempo. En cuanto al tatuaje, compré todo lo necesario, en algún momento próximo le daré la atención que merece para desarrollar la habilidad necesaria".

"... A grandes rasgos hay dos cuestiones que motivan a un artista y derivan en un trabajo destacable, la primera, es que te den rienda suelta, brindando ideas, pero sin interferir. Hay gente que no sabe lo que quiere y nada los convence, como imaginarás esto es muy frustrante puesto que uno sabe para donde se movería, pero hay que esperar el convencimiento de gente que… quizás no tiene muy en claro el porqué de sus creaciones musicales. La segunda cuestión, esta relacionada al pago, y podrá sonar superfluo e interesado, pero pocas cosas son mas molestas que estar persiguiendo a gente que no paga lo que solicitó, siendo que uno dedicó gran cantidad de horas, esfuerzo y materiales en su petición. Imagina por un momento lo que te comenté más arriba en otras preguntas: tenés en tus manos bocetos para una obra personal, tenés el soporte, tenés las ideas frescas, y dejas todo en el tintero para atender pedidos que muchas veces no te resultan interesantes conceptualmente. Aún así, pones todo tu empeño en lograr el mejor resultado posible, para luego encontrarte con mensajes como “mi perro se comió la otra mitad del pago” (esto es exagerado, pero si te mostrara algunas excusas que he recibido en este periodo de tiempo relativamente corto, en fin…)".

"Creo que sería muy pretencioso de mi parte hablar de mis trabajos buscando diferenciarlos de los que realizan otros artistas, siendo muchísimos los que actualmente estamos en esto de dibujar o pintar para bandas de metal. De todos modos, en lo macro, la amplia gama de opciones que ofrezco es una diferencia, y en lo micro, mis dibujos con BIC tienen una personalidad muy propia, con obvias reminiscencias a los trabajos de muchos, pues aunque te diga que mis influencias están por mayormente por fuera, es inevitable que todo lo que veamos nos termine influenciando de forma indirecta. Lo más importante es buscar que el parecido referencie y desde allí parta hacia otro destino, dando un resultado claramente distinto, y no una burda copia".

"Hay muchos (artistas) muy buenos realmente (en el underground). Hoy en día por las redes la información nos satura tanto que podría hacer un gran listado, pero prefiero que la lista sea corta y mencionar a los que realmente les hago (o les hice) un seguimiento: Marius Lewandowski (RIP), David Glomba, Eliran Kantor, Timo Ketola (RIP), Rodrigo Pereira Salvatierra, y seguro olvido algunos cuantos".

"Actualmente me encuentro modificando los plazos y los montos (del trabajo que realizo). Con el tiempo mi técnica ha mejorado mucho y esto viene con un precio inevitable, que es una inversión mucho mayor en tiempo. No obstante, considero de vital importancia que en la medida de lo posible sean accesibles, vivir en Sudamérica es cada vez más difícil, acá tenemos grandes artistas trabajando por miserias, esto es una realidad que toca enfrentar".  

"Acá mi ignorancia es basta y profunda (sobre otros artistas Argentinos dentro del Metal). Al único que lo he seguido y admirado realmente durante años es el bien conocido Santiago Caruso. Seguramente haya unos cuantos chiflados haciendo trabajos increíbles, pero también creo que muchas veces no se les otorga el crédito y el reconocimiento que merecen y pasan desapercibidos". 

"¿Qué clase de dialogo entre bangers no implica un intercambio de recomendaciones? Actualmente estoy escuchando bandas como Insurrexión (Chile), Fossilization (Brasil), Akvan (Irán),Krolok (Eslovacos creo que son, esto es increíble!), Defacement (Uf, esto lo descubrí justamente por el arte de tapa), y de mi país te sugiero que escuches lo nuevo de Artes Negras que es una aberración demente, y estés atento a lo nuevo de bandas como Espiritismo, Incineration y Transmigration Macabre". 

"Nuevamente agradecerte el espacio para hablar sobre mi trabajo. Cualquier interesado puede buscarme en las redes como BUBONIC ARTWORKS, o escribirme a mi mail: stefano_sigismondi@outlook.com.ar 

¡Abracemos con pasión la oscuridad absoluta!"

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bubonic_artworks

Deviant Art: https://www.deviantart.com/bubonicarts

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bubonicartworks/

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2024

Magnanimus. Review on voicesfromthedarkside

From https://www.voicesfromthedarkside.de/review/magnanimus-impure-ways-beyond-shadows/

MAGNANIMUS - Impure Ways Beyond Shadows (Iron, Blood And Death Corporation) - 31:37min

“Impure Ways Beyond Shadows” by MAGNANIMUS is a ferocious attack of South American Death Metal at its most vicious and uncompromising. This Chilean band shows no mercy, launching the listener into a whirlwind of chaos and destruction from the first riff. The opening track, ‘Black Wind Divinity’ sets the tone with a raw, ominous atmosphere that builds into a full-on assault of relentless riffs and blast beats. From there, the album only intensifies, with each song delivering a storm of brutality that never lets up. The guitar work on the album is particularly notable for its balance between savage aggression and technical precision. The riffs are sharp and biting, creating a wall of sound that feels both oppressive and enthralling. Solos cut through the mix like daggers, adding a layer of unpredictability and chaos to the compositions. Tracks like ‘The Sharp Dagger Of Extermination Of The Perverse Gods’ showcase these elements perfectly, blending speed, precision, and sheer intensity in a way that feels total devastation. One of the defining aspects of “Impure Ways Beyond Shadows” is the drumming. The blast beats are executed with ruthless precision, driving each track forward with an unrelenting fury. Yet, there is more than just speed here – the dynamic shifts in tempo and rhythm create a sense of impending doom, pulling the listener deeper into the abyss. The drum work on ‘Raising The Misery Subjugator’ stands out for its ability to transition from frantic, chaotic passages to more controlled, punishing sections that hit like a warhammer. The vocals are apocalyptic and evil. The growls and roars are filled with venom, bringing the lyrical themes of blasphemy, destruction and death to life with terrifying conviction. The vocal delivery is aggressive yet articulate, ensuring that every line drips with malice. Tracks like ‘The Lugubrious Abomination Of Torment’ exemplify his ability to channel raw emotion and hatred into each verse, making the experience feel like a ritualistic plunge into darkness. Thematically, the album dwells in realms of death, destruction and esoteric chaos. There is an almost spiritual quality to the devastation presented here, as MAGNANIMUS invokes a world where dark forces reign supreme. The oppressive atmosphere created by the music is enhanced by the lyrical content, which explores themes of divine retribution and cosmic annihilation. This thematic cohesion gives the album a sense of purpose and direction, elevating it beyond mere brutality to something more profound and apocalyptic. In conclusion, “Impure Ways Beyond Shadows” is an album that stands as a testament to the power of South American Death Metal. It is a relentless, bestial force that delivers chaos and destruction with precision and intent. For fans of the genre, especially those who worship at the altar of bands like KRISIUN (old), FUNERATUS or HATE, this album is essential listening. MAGNANIMUS has crafted a work that is able to channel the infernal energy of their music into an unholy experience that leaves the listener in total death. Released in 4-panel digipak CD with laminated finnished, a 12-page booklet and band card. 



lunes, 21 de octubre de 2024

Death is just the beginning... Ugra Karma (Nepal)

1. Is death the end? Or the transition to something else?

Death is definitely not the end. Physically speaking, after you die and you are buried you become insects and bacteria. If you are cremated, you turn into carbon dioxide, other gases and carbon which turn into plants. So you are recycled in the physical sense. Spiritually speaking everyone and everything is impermanent - change is the only constant of nature and of reality.

2. Does death influences us in our decissions or actions? Until what point are us shaped by the signal of death?

There doesn’t seem to be any link here. Death comes at the end of this particular life, but no-one knows when or how the body dies.

3. Is there a meaning of death? Or just we are trying to find a meaning in death to give sense to our lifes?

Death has the same profundity as life. Without death there can be no new life.

4. Does death makes us equal? At what point death makes all humans the same, in despite of their social, economical, cultural positions?

Death is certainly the great equalizer. A sinner and a saint both have to die someday. A king and a pauper will both face death no matter how rich or how poor. Even a mineral and an animal face death and transformation in similar ways.

5. How can we trascend death and left something of us living forever?

Only memories remain. If we happen to do something worth remembering within our few decades here, then we might live in the memories of future humans. Otherwise you live and die anonymously like most of humanity.

6. Since old cultures, there existed fear of death, then cult of death. Accepting death can makes us free of this kind of fear? Or just it ties us to an inevitable destiny? Are we free with death? Or just total slaves?

It really depends on how you look at death. Tradition and religiosity does not determine whether one fears death. One has to truly understand death in order to not be fearful of it. 

7. What is death? Punishment, suffering, destiny, escape? Just a natural part of the life cycle?

Death is not punishment by any stretch of the imagination. It comes about from a very simple equation of nature which cannot ever be transgressed. If you are alive today then you will die someday, if you are ‘dead’ minerals today then you might come together to form life one day. In either case change is inevitable.

8. Understanding death can make us to understand why to live? How?

Understanding death makes us realize the impermanence of being. This realization can be very liberating. So instead of being fearful, one can live one’s life to the fullest knowing that this form will have to end some day.

9. At what point death gets function as universal balance?

If things that are alive keep piling up without ever dying, there will be no place or opportunity for new life to appear. So it is important that living things die in order that other things might come to life in their places. Similarly, after stars go supernova and ‘die’, thousands of other stars are then created in the cloud left behind by the older star. And this process of life and death has been going on for billions of years.

10. Can we finally understand death? Or it is a eternal mistery?

We have a good understanding of death - both physically and spiritually. It’s the ‘after-death’ part that most people aren’t so sure about.  And because we can’t go into the future and come back to the past with information from the future - it will forever remain a mystery.

11. What would be a good way to die?

Inhalation of carbon monoxide = easy, painless and euphoric death

12. Did you ever got a near death experience? 

Yes, almost fell a mile below into the Grand Canyon in Arizona once. Bungy jumping or sky-diving still give me this feeling I had when I almost fell into the canyon, an extreme sensation that cannot be described in words. I’ve also gotten into some serious vehicular accidents but survived them with injuries.  

13. Did you ever got some paranormal experience, that make you think there are more than meets the eyes?

I have never had any paranormal experience but I have had chemical-induced psychedelic experiences and meditation-induced spiritual experiences.  So yes, I have to conclude that there is more that exists than can be seen with the eye. Additionally there are aspects of reality that can never be fully described using language or detected by a physical device or our doors of perception.

14. What is death metal? Why do you play death metal?

Death Metal is a complex collection of many different styles of music. Generalizing it massively - Death Metal is a genre of music that has a heavy sound typified by growling vocals (sometimes screeches), fast double-bass drums (sometimes slow and sludgy), palm-muted chugging guitars (but sometimes tremolo picked), deep thumping bass and it typically deals with topics such as death, gore, violence and war. I play it because I have always loved it, i grew up on it and I was inspired by early Death Metal bands. The lyrical aspect of Death Metal  also fascinated me early on.

Bandcamp: https://ugrakarma.bandcamp.com/music

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ugrakarma/videos

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ugrakarmaofficial

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2024

Nocturnal Damnation (S.KOR) - mini Int adv

1. How did you find Metal music?

Bestial Desekrator : Hails! Usually I searching underground metal musics at labels, bandcamp and some YouTube. But I don't like download mp3, flac files!!!

2. You told me there is no scene in South Korea, it is totally true? I mean there is no any band in history? It should have started at some point…

Bestial Desekrator : Yes very a few underground bands but in my opinion dosen't have underground metal scene. Some bands started 1980, 1990 era such as Heavy Metal, Thrash, Death, Black Metal. Recently some Brutal Death, Deathcore, Modern Thrash... is in activity but I don't have interest that kind of music especially trendy music!!!  

3. In the past you got a label, something related to Khaos, and even you release some Peruvian stuff. What comments about this label era?

Bestial Desekrator : Yes I did run a small underground label and closed since 2013. I liked Peruvian bands so released CD. I remember really not interested my release in South Korean metalheads but rather Europe, North America, South America metalheads supported my stuffs. They're bought stuffs and really liked music.

4. Then later I knew you were already in Thailand? How did you decide to be there? In what it was good related to Metal issues?

Bestial Desekrator : Really not! Still I live in South Korea but I go Thailand often. Thailand have good underground bands. I recommend these bands "Surrender Of Divinity, Zygoatsis, Macaroni, Smallpox Aroma, Oldskull, Reincarnated, Lotus Of Darkness, Shamble, Savage Deity..." and Thailand have a lot of metal shows, a lot of metalheads... It's better than South Korea to my mind.

5. Regarding Nocturnal Damnation, how this started? How it was the evolution of the band? What is the current status?

Bestial Desekrator : I started 2010 with Spanish guy until first album. Originally I wanted play bestial black metal similar Blasphemy, Black Witchery, Proclamation, Tetanblood, Revenge, Sarcofago... In 2015 Thailand members joined the band and we playing war/bestial black metal until now!!!!! Currently we have new songs for second full-length album and preparing bass, drum record. Also planning some live rituals in 2025.

6. Would you say, Asian or South Korean myths and spirituality, helps or inspire you at some point, to develop Metal lyrics? Comment something about myths in South Korea, and also how it feeds the darkness in your soul!

Bestial Desekrator : Actually I written all lyrics about Satanism, Ritual, Sex Magick... Yeah I think Asian or South Korean myths and spirituality helps and develop lyrics. Traditionally believe folk religion and native religion(including shamanism) since ancient times in South Korea. This is from Gojoseon, The Epoch of the three Kingdoms, Koryo Dynasty, Chosun Dynasty, Japanese Occupation to modern world. Korean myths mixed with Buddhism, No religion... it's totally different story with Greek, Roman myths. To tell you a funny story here... god become a human being in Korean myth. For example Dangun(legendary founding father of Gojoseon) is govern of all human and after become a mounntain spirit, Jumong(first king of the Goguryeo) is gone up to heavenly world without dead body. Usually I always darkness to be strongly influenced by satanic/occult movies and books, black/death metal...

7. Death Worship has been practiced in every ancient culture, what can you comment about this about Asian countries? We know for example that funeral rites with vultures high in the mountains. I know some places in Indonesia (maybe) the people still live with their mummies, and sometimes I watched that in Filipinas (maybe) the family of the dead devour the cadaveric remains in honor of the dead. What kind of other acts happen there?

Bestial Desekrator : Actually I heard you mentions about Death Worship but still not read many books yet. I think it's related shamanism so still remains Death Worship. In Korea isn't much about that but still remains roots of shamanism so have a lot of shaman.

8. So, what are the concepts you have towards death? Does there in Asia some darkness unseen that covers the entire culture, then we have some weird practices?

Bestial Desekrator:  towards death? hmm... I hadn't really thought that far. This is philosophical issue and I don't know what to tell you.

9. We know we have been invaded by digital formats and the internet in general since time ago, and at some point all of these were finally accepted, but... what about composing with AI? Do you think this source could be finally accepted? All of this would be real? Do we fucking turn in robots or what?!

Bestial Desekrator : Well, present era is AI. Everything changing now. But we don't like compose music with AI because digital and playing musical instrument by human being totally diifferent feeling. So if every music make digital AI with robots, can't make feeling playing musical instrument by human being.

10. Final comments and final info!

Bestial Desekrator : Thanks for the interview with us. We're focus on second full-length album with live rituals. Stay tuned all bestial black metal maniacs!!! Support Underground!! Fuck Off Trendy Shit!!!!

Nocturnal Damnation Links:


