Thursday 10 October 2024

Nocturnal Damnation (S.KOR) - mini Int adv

1. How did you find Metal music?

Bestial Desekrator : Hails! Usually I searching underground metal musics at labels, bandcamp and some YouTube. But I don't like download mp3, flac files!!!

2. You told me there is no scene in South Korea, it is totally true? I mean there is no any band in history? It should have started at some point…

Bestial Desekrator : Yes very a few underground bands but in my opinion dosen't have underground metal scene. Some bands started 1980, 1990 era such as Heavy Metal, Thrash, Death, Black Metal. Recently some Brutal Death, Deathcore, Modern Thrash... is in activity but I don't have interest that kind of music especially trendy music!!!  

3. In the past you got a label, something related to Khaos, and even you release some Peruvian stuff. What comments about this label era?

Bestial Desekrator : Yes I did run a small underground label and closed since 2013. I liked Peruvian bands so released CD. I remember really not interested my release in South Korean metalheads but rather Europe, North America, South America metalheads supported my stuffs. They're bought stuffs and really liked music.

4. Then later I knew you were already in Thailand? How did you decide to be there? In what it was good related to Metal issues?

Bestial Desekrator : Really not! Still I live in South Korea but I go Thailand often. Thailand have good underground bands. I recommend these bands "Surrender Of Divinity, Zygoatsis, Macaroni, Smallpox Aroma, Oldskull, Reincarnated, Lotus Of Darkness, Shamble, Savage Deity..." and Thailand have a lot of metal shows, a lot of metalheads... It's better than South Korea to my mind.

5. Regarding Nocturnal Damnation, how this started? How it was the evolution of the band? What is the current status?

Bestial Desekrator : I started 2010 with Spanish guy until first album. Originally I wanted play bestial black metal similar Blasphemy, Black Witchery, Proclamation, Tetanblood, Revenge, Sarcofago... In 2015 Thailand members joined the band and we playing war/bestial black metal until now!!!!! Currently we have new songs for second full-length album and preparing bass, drum record. Also planning some live rituals in 2025.

6. Would you say, Asian or South Korean myths and spirituality, helps or inspire you at some point, to develop Metal lyrics? Comment something about myths in South Korea, and also how it feeds the darkness in your soul!

Bestial Desekrator : Actually I written all lyrics about Satanism, Ritual, Sex Magick... Yeah I think Asian or South Korean myths and spirituality helps and develop lyrics. Traditionally believe folk religion and native religion(including shamanism) since ancient times in South Korea. This is from Gojoseon, The Epoch of the three Kingdoms, Koryo Dynasty, Chosun Dynasty, Japanese Occupation to modern world. Korean myths mixed with Buddhism, No religion... it's totally different story with Greek, Roman myths. To tell you a funny story here... god become a human being in Korean myth. For example Dangun(legendary founding father of Gojoseon) is govern of all human and after become a mounntain spirit, Jumong(first king of the Goguryeo) is gone up to heavenly world without dead body. Usually I always darkness to be strongly influenced by satanic/occult movies and books, black/death metal...

7. Death Worship has been practiced in every ancient culture, what can you comment about this about Asian countries? We know for example that funeral rites with vultures high in the mountains. I know some places in Indonesia (maybe) the people still live with their mummies, and sometimes I watched that in Filipinas (maybe) the family of the dead devour the cadaveric remains in honor of the dead. What kind of other acts happen there?

Bestial Desekrator : Actually I heard you mentions about Death Worship but still not read many books yet. I think it's related shamanism so still remains Death Worship. In Korea isn't much about that but still remains roots of shamanism so have a lot of shaman.

8. So, what are the concepts you have towards death? Does there in Asia some darkness unseen that covers the entire culture, then we have some weird practices?

Bestial Desekrator:  towards death? hmm... I hadn't really thought that far. This is philosophical issue and I don't know what to tell you.

9. We know we have been invaded by digital formats and the internet in general since time ago, and at some point all of these were finally accepted, but... what about composing with AI? Do you think this source could be finally accepted? All of this would be real? Do we fucking turn in robots or what?!

Bestial Desekrator : Well, present era is AI. Everything changing now. But we don't like compose music with AI because digital and playing musical instrument by human being totally diifferent feeling. So if every music make digital AI with robots, can't make feeling playing musical instrument by human being.

10. Final comments and final info!

Bestial Desekrator : Thanks for the interview with us. We're focus on second full-length album with live rituals. Stay tuned all bestial black metal maniacs!!! Support Underground!! Fuck Off Trendy Shit!!!!

Nocturnal Damnation Links:

Sunday 29 September 2024

Pathogen (PHI). Testimony of Death.

"Although different cultures, civilizations and religions/belief systems all over the world have fascinating beliefs in terms of life after death, the truth is nobody really knows for sure until we all go to through the process of physical death. I’d like to think of it as a passage of renewal, the purging fire of rebirth, a transcendence into realms unknown"

"The certainty of death gives our lives a prerogative to strive for bigger things, create such magnificent works of engineering, music, art and literature, among other things, in order  to leave behind and assure our legacy would live on for eternity. We usually do that usually during the peak of our lives but there are exceptions of course, we basically create or achieve things to give our existence some meaning"

"I’d like to think of death as a process of renewal a shedding of our mortal bodies, an energy transfer. We shed our physical bodies to transition into the next stage. But ultimately nobody really knows for sure what lies beyond unless we through the process of death. But then again, maybe death is the total end or the absolute nothingness. Who knows?"

"Death is indeed the great equalizer, the grand leveller, it is inevitable and inescapable. It is the fate of every living being on this Planet even plants, animals and microorganisms eventually dies sooner or later. Death waits for no one and it sneaks at us at a time of its choosing. Some people believe in a more cynical view that  there is nothing in life other than death and there is no point achieving better things because we’re all going to die, anyway. I did think that way when I was younger but the older I get, the more wisdom I accumulate and therefore, the more I am at peace with myself about the prospect of and the inevitability of dying"

"By creating or doing something significant that would ensure you transcend and live beyond death and in some way. Your physical body may die but your legacy will live on and therefore defeat death in a way. That’s how I see it"

"I have talked a lot friends about death many times when we are having drink, many of which aren’t even into metal- just ordinary working class people, especially a few years back when several of our friends, died on freak accidents or was murdered, those events, of course shook us all to the core because they were young adults at the peak of their lives and were so vital and full of energy and all relatively healthy-they’re people you’d never expect to die just yet but did. But I suppose that is death, it always arrives unexpectedly. So anyway, the results of my  conversations with my friends, I conclude that many people are not afraid of actual death itself, but rather, they are more afraid about HOW they are going to die"

"What really IS death? Is the ultimate end? The terminus of existence?  Or is it the agonizing cycle of existence? But I do adhere to the latter where I believe death and life is a cycle. The end is rebirth, in my opinion. There can be no life without death and vice-versa. Without death, life lacks imperative"

"... The prospect of death and dying drives us to establish goals and pursue our ambitions. For others life is just a long torment and kill themselves. I certainly don’t think people who commit suicide are cowards, no, because it is very hard to kill yourself unless you are being pushed to a brink. But I never thought suicide makes sense when you are younger because you still haven’t experienced a lot of great things but it’s think it’s okay to commit suicide if you are very old and terminally ill or by ritual suicide like what the Japanese does when they have done something horrendous to avoid disgrace and to save face. They’d rather die with honor than die at your captor’s hands or live in shame for the rest of their lives and their culture expects you to die with honor and kill yourself when you have done something terrible".

"... (death is) largely a part of the duality of nature. Just as darkness and light, beauty and ugliness, love and indifference, anger and joy, calmness and chaos, etc... Nature seem to always balance itself. It always have a sense of stability in order to function properly"

"... death, always mystified humans since time immemorial, It’s long since a symbol of renewal, a rite of passage, salvation or eternal damnation. Some ancient cultures even worship and celebrate death. It is an eternal mystery"

"If we can only choose how we die, then I would say a good death is dying for something you are passionate about or dying a sudden death such as an airplane crash or vehicle accident and the likes, while a terrible death would have to be dying of illness or tormented by your enemy. That would be incredibly agonizing, you’d be begging for death"

"I had a near-fatal illness when I was very young, but I was so young I was not consciously aware if it was something that would constitute a near-death experience. Perhaps I was a nearing a near-death experience"

"... whenever we climb up an old hiking spot in Mount Banahaw (widely known around here as the mystical mountain). That’s where strange experiences occur. It’s a place where a lot of mystics, occultists, religious cults and modern-day hermits dwell. The belief is that the place is where it’s healing waters and cool, fresh air gives us mystical powers. It’s the place where I felt a sense of energy emanating all over it’s very hard to explain. Two decades ago while camping there with a couple of friends when we  saw strange lights high above the cold, dark skies that makes angular turns and flies like no other man-made aircraft. It was blindingly fast and it looked like a star in the beginning. Other than that, It’s probably the only place where I feel most strange... I didn’t see anything over there resembling a ghost or stray spirits though and I’ve never believed in ghosts when I was younger, but maybe they do exist. There are just far too many things in our world that is beyond explanation"

"Since I was young I was just drawn to dark things and have that fascination of death and life beyond or absolute nothingness after we die and the darkness of human existence, all the wars, bloodshed, epidemics and brutal things that results in widespread death was just a fascination for me. Don’t get me wrong I am a fairly normal person in real life and is very outgoing and have a lot of friends all over. I am no psycho or anything like that. But it’s just a fascination with such extremes that I seem to have as far as I can remember. So performing and writing death metal or extreme metal, in general was something that came in very naturally for me"

Pathogen links:

Monday 9 September 2024

Demonic Rage (CHILE). Mortal Testimonio


"... personalmente (creo que) el plano "material" es el final".

"Uno no se despierta día a día pensando en que se va a morir. Hay varios factores (que condicionan los pensamientos o acciones acerca de la muerte). Por ejemplo, hace unos años estuve obsesionado pensando en que me iba a morir. Pero quizás estaba pasando por alguna especie de depresión. Pero ya no pienso mucho al respecto a pesar de estar enfermo".

"Veo la muerte como algo natural. No me considero una persona con creencias religiosas o "místicas". No espero ser "premiado" después de mi muerte, como te hace creer la religión, con cosas que nadie ha visto".

"A la muerte no le importan tus deseos, ni tu egos; es algo que sólo va a ocurrir. En ese sentido nos hace a todos iguales. Como cliché: a la muerte no le importa si eres rico, pobre, hermoso, lindo, espiritual; ni ninguna de esas mierdas".

"Por supuesto es lo único que nos queda. El olvido es la muerte "final" del individuo".

"Mmm, por supuesto estamos atados desde el momento de nacer a este "destino". Personalmente lo que me fascina de la muerte, no es rendirle culto ni nada de eso; sino más bien pensar en el misterio que encierra. Sería hermoso sentir o presenciar lo que "viene" después de la muerte de la carne. Pero tristemente el algo que en este mundo nadie podrá contarnos".

"Simple: La muerte es: Muerte!!!"

"... de eso se trata la vida, de vivirla al máximo. Comprendo a la gente que pierde el deseo de vivir. Nadie sabe lo que hay detrás de cada persona. Pero la vida es demasiado corta para vivir quejándonos. Siempre pelea, fornica, peca hasta el final!!!"

"Somos parte del universo. No creo que por el sólo hecho de ser seres "pensantes", tengamos que ser algo "especiales". Ya sabes, se muere gente buena y gente mala todos los días. Somos un numero más. Al universo no le importa. Respeto a la gente que se suicida o pierde las ganas de vivir, pero para mi ya no es una opción". 

"(La muerte es un misterio que siempre estará más allá de nuestra comprensión... un enigma que desafía todo entendimiento racional)".

Monday 2 September 2024

Eminent Shadow (BRA) / Dimitri. Metal da Morte.

"Acredito que a morte é um ponto final, como diz a frase eternizada pelo Hellhammer “Only Death is Real”. Mas entendo também que a morte é um assunto muito mistificado por todas as crenças e culturas".

"Nós nascemos e fomos moldados a produzir e dar manutenção a nossa sobrevivência... Born, Suffer Die como diria o velho disco do Headnunter DC! Sabemos que a morte é o único destino real de todos, mas enquanto estamos vivos, procuramos sobreviver da melhor forma aproveitando para contestar toda a visão distorcida deste mundo caótico e cheio de falsidades em que vivemos".

"A morte para mim é uma consequência biológica sim, somos matéria orgânica e temos prazo de validade como qualquer ser vivo. Como eu disse, em minha opinião a morte foi mistificada por várias culturas e religiões, surgindo assim as crenças e os seus mitos. Tenho uma ideia de que o subconsciente é o que rege a maioria das coisas que queremos acreditar".

"O que nos torna diferentes além dos fatores biológicos são os meios em que fomos criados, as nossas culturas, o empirismo e o nosso mapa mental. A morte só reduz a pó a nossa matéria orgânica e nos faz ter a consciência de que não somos absolutamente nada".

"A morte é uma consequência da vida. Infelizmente fomos criados dentro de uma mística muito grande sobre esse assunto dando espaço para várias interpretações. Para mim em particular, o que resta no pós morte são apenas lembranças ou o legado. A própria música é um exemplo disso. De forma imaterial, o death metal ficará registrado nas mais obscuras lápides até quando o metal existir, a exemplo de grandes nomes do underground que já morreram mas suas obras ainda estão devastando o mundo, a exemplo do Chuck Schuldiner do eterno Death, entre outros... a verdadeira sinfonia do morte! Assim acontece em diversas áreas, tanto artísticas quanto profissionais. A morte é um ponto final a existência".

"Em diversas culturas o culto a morte é uma passagem. Eu mesmo tenho descendência japonesa e os meus avós eram budistas, mas não sigo essa cultura. Para eles a morte é considerada o fim de um ciclo e o carma o resultado da vida que você levou. Acho que a aceitação da existência da morte nos torna sim mais fortes e destemidos para fazermos tudo o que quisermos, inclusive aproveitando os prazeres da vida independente das limitações imposta pelas religiões ou qualquer regra que prive o homem dos seus instintos mais naturais".

"Simplesmente acho que (la morte) é o fim do ciclo... Tudo gira em torno da morte. Nascer, sofrer, morrer e apodrecer como toda matéria".

"A vida é a consequência das mutações ao longo de bilhões de anos, assim como a morte é o desfecho de toda a vida. Não vejo a morte como equilíbrio, mas sim um processo natural. Nunca refleti sobre um sentido para morte porque entendo que surgimos das transformações do universo e a morte também faz parte deste ciclo, por isso não creio nas religiões e nos mitos que elas defendem ou criam. Encaro a morte com absoluta naturalidade pois o universo seguirá o seu curso mesmo sem a presença da vida. Sobre matar, talvez estaria mais relacionado com a sobrevivência, autodefesa ou algum distúrbio psíquico mesmo, morrer seria a consequência. Cometer suicídio é o lado mais profundo da psique, causado pela deficiência no sistema neurológico, gerando angústias, ansiedades, transtornos, esquizofrenias, entre outras. O sentido disso tudo é muito peculiar".

"A morte pode ser considerada um mistério porque não sabemos de fato o que acontece nesse estágio, há apenas teorias e crenças sobre esse assunto. Mas como falei anteriormente, prefiro entender que é realmente o fim e a única realidade que nós temos".

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Rotten Tomb (CHI). Testimonio de muerte.

"Desde hace tiempo, de manera personal, tenemos instaurada la creencia de que la muerte es el fin de todo, que no existe un “más allá”, ni que reencarnamos en otros seres vivos. La muerte en una etapa en donde simplemente la luz se apaga y descompone junto con el cuerpo físico, no existe otra luz al final del túnel"

"Durante las primeras etapas de la vida, la muerte no es algo a lo que uno le tome tanto el peso, pero a medida que envejecemos, si empezamos a tomar consciencia de nuestra mortalidad. En esta etapa es cuando se comienzan a tomar decisiones más cruciales tanto para uno como individuo, como para el bienestar de la descendencia que nos prosiga antes de que el fin de nuestros días llegue".

"La muerte es la recta final de un propósito que se debió -al menos- intentar conseguir en vida. Por lo mismo, es un catalizador para cometer actos relevantes mientras la salud y la energía aún estén, mientras el tiempo no pase tan rápido (porque nuestra percepción del tiempo cambia a medida que envejecemos), mientras no tengamos que depender de externos para poder hacer nuestro día a día y acabar siendo una carga esperando el final".

"No importa la situación económica, el rango de poder o la posición social. La muerte nos mide con la misma vara, puede llegar para cualquiera en cualquier momento. Algo en que nos podría diferenciar es en cómo cada uno entiende la muerte y de las creencias que cada individuo tenga y espera del individuo fallecido. Pero -y sin rodeos- la muerte es lo que es, el crudo fin de una efímera vida en La Tierra, el cese de signos vitales. Eso es algo por lo que todos tendremos que atravesar tarde o temprano"

"No sabemos si la única, pero una forma de transcender más allá de la muerte es a través de la memoria. El legado que dejen nuestras ideas, intenciones, actos y creaciones, del recuerdo que hayamos dejado las personas. Esto puede ser tanto de manera positiva como negativa"

"Una forma de vivir sin miedos y con libertades es saber que podemos morir, pero aceptando tal destino. No podemos prohibirnos cosas sólo por el temor y las consecuencias. Después de todo, y como decimos acá. “lo comido y tomado no nos lo quita nadie”. Por otra parte, esto tampoco justificaría cometer ciertos actos, también hay que tener sentido común".

"La vida es un castigo que debemos asumir y la muerte el fin de esta condena. Es parte del curso natural, con sus altibajos, alegrías, decepciones y aprendizajes (a veces a la fuerza) necesarios para sobrevivir en un presente cada vez más desesperanzador"

"Entender la muerte, en cierto aspecto, puede ser un motivante para no dejar asuntos pendientes estando en vida, tratar de cumplir metas, compromisos. Aunque la vida puede ser un sinsentido también, ya estás en el juego y no puedes salir sin perderlo todo, algo hay que hacer antes de morir"

"La muerte es la etapa final de la vida, no podríamos decir que forma parte de algo tan magno como el del cosmos (al menos no si hablamos de la muerte en sentido biológico). Somos algo demasiado insignificante como para que nuestra muerte valga algo para el universo. En muy pocos escenarios podríamos justificar el asesinato o el suicidio. No es algo que precisamente validemos, pero entendemos que sucede. Somos más de la idea de que la muerte debe llegar cuando deba llegar y no acelerar el proceso natural de la vida".

"Quizás nunca sepamos realmente que es lo que ocurre cuando la muerte hace acto de presencia. Sólo podemos quedarnos con nuestras creencias individuales, las que nunca llegarán a un consenso general. Más que comprender a la muerte en profundidad, quizás lo mejor sea aceptarla, saber que está siempre al acecho y que es lo único que no podemos evitar".


La muerte es sólo el comienzo...

Interrogatorios, mórbidas reflexiones y oscuras alucinaciones acerca de la "muerte"!💀🔥

The Triumph of Death with the Dance of Death, by Giacomo Borlone de Burchis, 15th century

Tuesday 8 February 2022

Review Paganfire "Of Deathblades and Bloodsoaked Paths..." EP 2021

I know this band since time ago, because of many pacts and trades with the leader and good comrade Nonoy. I know almost its entire career, regarding releases (even I have some unofficial on my morbid collection), and since ups and downs, some raw release here or there, some other even a bit slower and "technical", to the current EP "Of Deathblades and Bloodsoaked Paths..."; I believe Im witnessing perhaps some of the best release of Paganfire I have heard! It shows a bestial Thrash Attack, where a cruel ancient spirit of Dark Angel or Sadus, is summoned, surrounded by bestiality on drums, mortifer delays on vocals and evil riffs on guitars! Riffs are deadly catchy, as the ones from "Poseurdom Shall Fall" for example, a epic warfare noise against fucking fake scum. Best thing on this release is that it really captures an aura and sensation of an old recording. It is kiler and weird listening a native language (I believe that) on songs as "Karumaldumal! Kasuklamsuklam!" (???), deathrashing rage here as in the entire release, with some mini solos as small demons grinding your flesh!!! Some little touches of Death Metal are perceived on "Disturbing, Defeaning and Disgusting". An interesting fact is that this kind of chaotic and mad sounds as a fucking old time. Primitive drumblasting on songs as "The Executor is back", some crazy solos and even some Max Cavalera summoning from the pre-fucked era of Sepultura. And finishing the release "False Protector" which starts with something like an intro. Im starting to believe this is the most "technical" song on this album, as it has many parts and changes. Fortunately, then it starts to hit the drums in primitive bestiality, returning to the constant noise on this EP, which is raw and direct Thrash Metal, with evil chainsaw riffs, speed of death on vocals, and the summoning of the elder Metal ghouls! (By JC Morbid)

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Libiac int.

This is a brief int. published on

1.Explain the name of the band and also the reasons for forming it.

The name comes from one of the ancient deities of the Andes specifically the Andean region of Huánuco, from which we are and are very proud; Libiac or also called Yana Raman, a highly respected deity and feared by the inhabitants of the pre-Inka villages of the Peruvian central Andean part which was considered the god of Thunder. The main reason for forming the band is to spread through the lyrics of each of our themes the permanence and revaluation of our ancestral legacy, in all areas, likewise the band will transmit the pagan style which helps the idea or To this end, the advantage is to have found comrades with the same direction in thoughts about the honour and pride of our ancestors.

2.What are the topics you preach, what are you trying to express and/or what is the ideological proposal of the band?

The themes are basically focused on the Andean mythology and the pagan concept and beyond proposing I would say that it is to transmit what is being lost in our country: the identity and worldview of our predecessors. We reject all Christian interference.

3.How do you know about these topics? In which are they inspired or based on?

Being from the central Andean region we have all the ingredients to manifest as such. Knowing Quechua helps us a lot, getting to know the places closely and knowing about the Andean worldview, such as the customs and traditions of our environment, was very helpful and inspired not only in the lyrics of the themes but also maintaining a style of life.

4.What is your opinion of the Christian religion or other religions?

The religions of each place in that sense Christianity is foreign to ours, it is also worth emphasizing the history of false history that was told and implanted. We strongly reject Christianity.

5.If so, what kind of Andean rituals do you practice today? Why do you practice them? What is the meaning they give you today?

The Pagapu and the Pachamama, the reason is as part of giving tribute to the Apus and the same Pachamama, this is reciprocal since the connection we have is beyond a paradigm, it is pure conviction. Another reason we practice and will continue is to maintain that ancestral tradition.

6.What is your perception of the Norwegian Black Metal of the 90s?

There is nothing to detract from the Norwegian Black Metal scene of that time. Beyond the relevance of the events that occurred and were of great impact not necessarily in the musical if not in the events, but when one forms a band and aligning to this Point highlights with greater emphasis the musical side and the pride that they manifest towards their culture.

7. If so, what would you say is the influence of Norwegian Black Metal, both musical and ideological, for your band?

Windir, Kampfar, Burzum, Mayhem.

8. What do you think about the Metal scene of your area or region?

The local scene (Huánuco) is resurfacing in terms of Metal followers, through the increase to local concerts and sharing information about the Metal. With Libiac we will always continue to fight and maintain our musical style with themes of honour and ancestral pride.

9. What do you think about the Metal scene in Lima?

The Metal scene in Lima is shown with a great increase since frequent concerts with international bands, festivals and local concerts are given and every time the support of the general public is noticed to the local bands and that motivates the bands to continue creating songs and contributing more to the national scene.

10. Finally, what is the link that you find between Metal and the Andean world, ancestral pre Inkas or Inkas cultures? Why relate Metal to this theme?

Metal is a means by which one expresses all kinds of thoughts and ideologies and gives you the freedom to manifest yourself and what you want to convey. The convenience of addressing issues in metal or black metal is differentiated from blasphemy to rites or prayers to supreme beings or divinities and in this way allows us to find that metal link with the Andean world and thus express our ancestral heritage.

(By Morbid Devastator from: Death Invoker band, Legion of Torture zine, Evil Spirit distro.,

Tags: Andean, Black Metal, Libiac, peru

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Releases Paragon Records (USA)


Aetherius Obscuritas [Hungray]- *The black metal band Aetherius Obscuritas are certainly capable of mounting musical assaults of cut-throat savagery and spine-tingling wildness, but what makes their new album Mártír stand out from the barbaric pack is, for want of a better word, their adventurousness. The compositions are elaborate and multi-faceted, and the results can seem like musical potions that produce enthralling as well as electrifying effects. The song we’re premiering today, “Ilyen a vér (Blood Is Like This)“, is a great example of such ingeniously conceived and sharply executed adventures.

The core duo that makes up Aetherius Obscuritas, Viktor (vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards) and Zson (drums) have been working together under that name for roughly 18 years, long enough to become familiar with each other’s talents and propensities but quite obviously not so long as to settle into stagnancy. In that time they’ve recorded eight albums, including Mártír, but still seem to be pushing themselves into new musical territories, perhaps most obviously on this new album. It follows the last one by a significant five years and will be released on April 15th by GrimmDistribution (Ukraine) and Paragon Records (U.S.). NOW IN STOCK!

Orbstruct [Ukraine] - Phobos Rising on CD . 

Paragon Records in cooperation with Envenomed Music proudly present "Phobos Rising" by Ukrainian Death Metal act Orbstruct set for release on CD with a Street Date of July 3 2020. NOW IN STOCK!

Paragon Records was started in 2000 AD on Long Island, NY by Jim Mroz who shortly after partnered with bandmate M from Blackened Death Metal outfit  originally called The Forgotten (before later embracing the name Dimentianon) to act as a means of distributing the bands material before later signing  bands for releases as well.

Paragon artists have gone on to be signed by Osmose Records, Candlelight Records, Profound Lore Records, Metal Blade Records & more.

Paragon Records was born of the underground  and strives to expose the best bands out there who are up & comers or tried & true. Strong emphasis goes into releasing diverse styles with creativity & passion from the artists- P.R.  are looking for the masters of the plague who strive to unleash their own sound!
If you don't like that...fuck off!

Saturday 8 August 2020

Flyer Blasphemer zine from Brazil. Embalmed Souls, 30 years, special edition.

Flyer Bestial Noise zine from Chile. Issue 6.

Release from the Brazilian Abyss!!! By Arauto da Morte Rec., Sociedade dos Mortos Prod., Temple Bizarre Cult Distro!!!




In one more primeval cycle of obscurity and slaughter, the labels Arauto da Morte Records, Temple Bizarre Cult Distro and Sociedade dos Mortos, announce the materialization of a new omen of death! This Split 4 Way marks the beginning of the celebrations of the “Antigos Rituais de Culto à Morte”, which in a great period of carnage, started to count on the presence of four emissaries of the doom! Four great subterranean entities that perfectly embody all the morbid symbolism of the Metal of Death (!!), are: INSOLITUM (BRA), PATHOGEN (PHI), DEATH INVOKER (PER) and NECROCCULTUS (MEX)!!

Material in Slipcase CD format, containing two songs from each mortuary entity, composed exclusively for this veneration to the rites of the decease!!

This is the first release of a Splits 4 Way trilogy totally dedicated to the profane, barbaric and archaic DEATH METAL!!!

Enjoy the smell of death and rot your souls!!!

Flyers from Germany


Flyers from Finland

Int: Artist May Witchhammer (Mex)

1.What is your background?, How did you started to draw?

I started when I was still a kid in the kindergarten, the teacher always wanted me to draw things which others could fill out with colors... Also my parents had a video-store where I always painted the walls. My parents always got mad about it till my mother checked all more detailed and liked it actually ha ha! My interest grew through the time while watching/reading comics, anime and cartoons, this way I discovered the styles of Frank Miller (Batman/Sin City), Frank Fraceta, Boris Vajecho, Ernesto "Ernie" Chan etc... they all inspired me a lot, especially Ray Harryhausen! I really like them. I even started to draw my own comic haha... so to say I started practicing by painting cartoon stuff etc. Although I was very interested in visiting some art schools, I never had the chance to visit one as I was always busy with work at my parents store, helping them out etc. So I just draw as I feel and like, at home. I learned some stuff from comics and manga stuff... my home was my school ha ha!

2.How did you meet Metal music?, What is the meaning of Metal for you?

I got in touch with metal music through my aunt and a friend of my dad. They got me into bands like The Scorpions, AC/DC, Van Halen etc... We watched VH1 (TV) and I saw some clips of the Scorpions which directly got me, as these guys looked completely different and made different music than the common stuff. So the interest grew and at some street stands were maniacs, selling bootleg tapes and CDs of Slayer, Black Sabbath, Metallica... and the first one I bought without knowing was “Hell Awaits” because of the name Slayer (I was watching a series called “Slayers” that's why ha ha) and honestly, I was kind of shocked when I listened to it for the first time ha ha. But the more I listened to it, the more I got addicted to the sound, the rush of adrenaline within your blood, it felt like a sledgehammer against your head... and it truly changed my life, even though I wouldn't consider myself a “huge Slayer-fan”, but this album had definitely a huge impact on me! Due to the fact that my parents didn't allow me to stay out on the streets for a long time (Mexican life...), I only hang out with the few friends who lived close to my home (mainly punks), who got me also into stuff like Nausea, Discharge, Exploited, Broken Bones, Addicts, Detastation, Misery, etc... some of them were wearing metal-vests with patches and they invited me to the classic “DIY-concerts” of local underground bands at someone's house, which was something popular to do back then (somewhere around 2005-2006). At these shows, with these people, seeing and feeling the spirit, it felt very familiar to me... I was facing a lot of problems at my home so these moments were like an escape for me, which had a strong impact on my life and will also never change again. And this is what metal meant to me... an escape but also strength, to continue with my life, to go further than my own limits and never to surrender!

3.What are your main inspirations at the time to produce your obscure art?

It can be many things like music, personal experiences and also dreams (especially nightmares) or visions that just came up to my mind. I always try to include a certain “message” or “history” into each work, to make it more than just a “normal drawing”, if you know what I mean? ... Another point of inspiration is movies like "Clash of the Titans", the way how Ray Harryhausen created the mythological creatures had a deep impact on me... warriors, skeletons, dark creatures!!!

4.What kind of special technic do you use to draw?

It evolved through the years piece by piece. It's a combination of dots'n'lines made with pencils and ink-pens, to give it a more different effect... of course it also depends on the idea behind the artwork, sometimes the one does fit with the other and sometimes it doesn't.

5.Is there any kind of special or personal feeling that you want to express?, what feeling and why?

Yes sure, I always want to give it a personal touch, something savage and aggressive. A mirror- reflection of my personal mind and attitude. Strength, bravery, fury and crazy madness... it should be beyond the limits of society's standards, unbound to any limits to express artistical freedom. A message, outside of reality – at the same time something that exists in real life, like evilness and fear.

6.With what artists/bands/labels, etc, did you have work?

I worked with some bands in the past but these motherfuckers turned out being total losers and rip offs who never kept their promises, so they are not worth to be mentioned. The only band I'm proud of to have worked with so far and who are worth the support are "Abruptus"!!!

For Festivals: I made some flyers for underground metal festivals and local concerts (for example "When Black Meets Death") and right now I'm working for the artwork of an upcoming festival with "Mortuary" (Clandestine Fest) and also for the Argentinian bands "Municion" & "Vomit of Doom" (black/thrash).

Magazines & Labels were so far only "Destruktion Records" & "Bestial Desecration Fanzine" from Germany (#2 & #4) and also the "Morbid Faith Newsletter" (#1, #2, #3, #8, #9) and sometimes on several fan-bootlegs made by friends like the "Bringers of Armageddon" promo...

7.What are the main/highlight works you have made?

Hmm that's a tough question because I always try to make each one better than the last one. So I would say the one I did for "Bestial Desecration Zine #4" was my personal favorite. This artwork was a re-make of a very old one which I did in the past during my early days, so it had a special meaning to me... also because I wanted to see how my style changed and evolved through the years.

8.In what would you say, you difference your own art from other artists?

I don't think that I have a very unique style, I mean there are many people doing it similar to me. But maybe one clear difference to other artists is that I don't do it to receive any attention or to say that I'm better etc... I'm not better than any other artist. I just do what I feel and simply do my work for my own satisfaction and always give my best to create a satisfying and honest result. I just like it and always try to involve my personal experiences of what I see and feel into my art, and if people can realize that too, it's nice for sure. Every artist has his own touch and I respect each one of them. 

9.What about the deals to work with you? What do you ask for? (money, trade stuff only)

Well, for sure money is always useful in life but not the reason to do it. Many times there are young bands that have creativity and spirit but are lacking on finances to pay for an artwork etc., so I rather make out a deal with them like a trade for tapes, patches, shirt etc. It depends on the bands and their situation (and honesty).

10.Do you work with your art also for other sectors aside of Metal, can you make it professionally?

Sometimes some friends are asking me for stuff, who are not into metal at all, like punks and even rappers, for different things they need, for small projects or private things.

11.Speaking about your Metal scene, what bands, distros, labels, zines and other artists, can you recommend?

Definitely Masthema Sancia (Rex Bagude Recs./Hiborym), Ferna (Across Infernal Wasteland Recs/"El Dispensario“-Distro which is located at the „Fundadores“ in the center of Monterrey), Dark Recollections Productions (Mexico City) and Gusthavo Sandoval (a great artist and friend from Guadalajara)!

12.Last words and contact!

Thanks a lot for the nice interview, your attention and the interesting questions! It's been an honor to me. And I hope we can work on something together someday, too!

May Contact: may.witchhammerATgmailDOTcom

Friday 31 July 2020

Int: Artist Heidi Kettunen (FIN)

1.What is your background/and/or parallel activities?
All I do is art and music. In addition to doing art I play bass in Ride For Revenge and Regere Sinister (where I also do vocals and keyboards).

2.How did you meet Metal music?
I was really young when I remember my older Brother playing guitar and introduced me bands like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, WASP and so. I also stealed KISS`s ”Animalize” vinyl from my dads record collection haha…. I started to play electric guitar and get more into that extreme kind of metal and switched guitar to bass.

3.What were/are your main bands/releases, and your pillars until now?
At the moment I`m bassist in Ride For Revenge (kind of obscure, noisy black metal) and I also have my own band Regere Sinister where I do bass, vocals and keyboards. Other member is Hail Conjurer who does drums & guitar. That Project is way to demolish my deep worship of old hellenic, latin-american and some old European bands

4.What is the meaning of Metal for you?

5.How did you started to draw?
I started drawing at a very young age and continued my hobby when I get older. I always liked specially draw animals, monsters and pre-historic creatures and ones I found from storybooks and horror movies. I did lots of studies with anatomy, skeletal systems and also liked to draw some living model stuff-mainly animals.

6.What are your main inspirations at the time to drawing/performing/produce your obscure art?
For drawing I get inspiration from music of the band I do the artwork. Also nature, nightmares and morbid feelings, dark sides of mind are endless source of attraction. These things are also inspiring me with music I play and create.

7.What kind of special technic do you use to draw?
None… I mainly use cheap markers and lead pencil. Sometimes I do drawings with color pencils and paint with acrylic colors on canvas.

8.What kind of thoughts crosses your mind once you are drawing some abominable/twisted art? Is there any kind of special or personal feeling that you want to express?, what feeling and why?
It depends lot of my current mood. Usually I focus on working things while listening music and try to identify in atmospheres and lyrics etc. It is kind of liberating when you can vomit your most cruel fantasies on paper…..

9.With what artists/bands/labels, etc, did you have work?
Ride for Revenge, Hail Conjurer, Chaos Cascade, Legion of Andromeda, Valhalla Bound, Human Agony, Horse Latitudes, Black Torture, Necrogosto, Antichrist, Necromancer, Hooded Menace, Reptile Womb, Witchcraft… What comes to labels I do lot of illustrations for Bestial Burst and it has been also pleasure to work with such a label like Zombi Danz Records.

10.What is the more bestial art/cover that you were able to draw? What are the main/highlight works you have made?
Hmmm… If speaking about album covers I think that cover drawing I did for Singaporean Black Torture is kind of well succeeded. Their music is bestial Abhorer worship, so I made a cover to conform to the classic theme.

11.In what would you say, you difference your own art from other artists?
Not so much gass-masked goats here. More the ones which are slaughtering some ecclesiastical wimps, hahahaha… I draw more like freehand and sketchy style than some others. Also classical oil paintings and sculptures give me lot of inspiration.

12.What about the deals to work with you? What do you ask for? (money, trade stuff only)
I mainly work with friends and bands I like to listen myself. If I take money for drawings, I always estimate final cost as low as possible, because I like to offer same quality of work for smaller and underground bands. I also like to trade artworks to Records. It`s more than fine for me.

13.Do you work with your art also for other sectors aside of Metal, can you make it professionally?
I have done some single illustrations for other uses than album covers/gig posters/merch etc. But nowadays almost all my works are related to music.

14.Speaking about your Metal scene, what bands, distros, labels, zines and other artists, can you recommend?
If speaking about labels & distros, I would recommend to check catalogues for Bestial Burst, Life Eternal, Zombi Danz, Astral Nightmare, Crimson Tide prods., New Era, and Breath of Pestilence. 
Zines I recommend:  Fall of the Idols, Macabre Overdose, Blasphemer, WOE, Forgotten Chapel & Cthulhu + up coming numbers of Escarro Nuclear are worth to check!

15.Last words and contact!
If interested for artwork or RS demo (trades are most welcome!!), send me mail for this address: Malefic Eye, Porvoonkatu 33a 19, 00510 Helsinki ,Finland.

Bio. of MegaTherion (Arequipa, Peru), published in Morbid Faith 9

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Reviews from Profanador Rec (Peru) - Necrofucker (PER), Vomit of Sepulchers, Vomit of Ancestors, Demo Tape:

Necrofucker (PER), Vomit of Sepulchers, Vomit of Ancestors, Demo Tape:
Released in 2019, it is a new release of Walter Profanador, an underground Peruvian rotten legend! Not to mention that for this release, John Capcha from Hadez (another legend into the Peruvian pits) has been summoned to play bass. Both completing the line up with Silva Blacker (another old guy in the scene from a dark place called Comas, who also run Blacker band, hated by many, but still in the front) and Oscar Mutilator (ex-drummer from Hadez and playing in other bands as well).
They present a kind of primitive Death Metal, clearly influenced in the 80s noise. Even more, when you think in those kind of riffs, totally jackal and raw; but that don’t follow exactly a style or a reference; but putting more from the primitive and cadaveric emanations from killer instincts only!!! All of this, being completed with solos sounding as the noise of ripping and grinding corpses.
Drums work is simple but effective. I worship when it plays in the ancient South American style hi-hat/snare!!! Time to time it hits like a primitive hammer only, like cavemen beating their animal carcass food!!! The bass is very audible, making some game here or there and giving the enough low atmospheres. Vocals go in a mixture between Death Metal and Black Metal.
Usually the songs have a similar structure: hammering drums, South American hi-hat/snare. Even sometimes you are going to think that you are listening the same song, hehe…
Almost the entire release has the kind of noise like a rehearsal, which for me is a nasty pleasure. I always prefer to listen the bands in a natural way instead of any kind of overproduction.
Other stuff I like is the song titles which are in something like primitive English, exactly as if we were 666 years in the past. Evil, brutal and primitive darkness is the only way!!! Titles exactly as: “Mortem Crucification (Hammers of Terrors)”, “Aborts of Abhorrer”, “Horrors Cripts Yell... Consumed by Magots”, “Invoquing to Oracle of Death (Pioners of Death)”, “Vomit of Sepulchers, Vomit of Ancestors”; can give you a hint.
You are going to get all of this brutal and ancient weird noise discharge in 11 songs. It is self-released by Profanador Records. Contact:

Reviews from Arauto da Morte (Brazil) - Pathogen (PHI), Blasphemous Communion, CD:

Pathogen (PHI), Blasphemous Communion, CD: 
It is a re-release coming from Arauto da Morte Records from Brazil (in cooperation with Pictures from Hell, who released previously some stuff of Death Invoker!!! Hails Junior!!), and if I´m not wrong, it is the first release of the label. They have made a good choice of course, because for a Death Metal label, Pathogen from Philippines is a great starting. Blasphemous Communion was the first full length of Pathogen, back on 2008.
I already know the noise unleashed by Pathogen and got good contact with W. Desamero, and even I have interviewed them in the issue 1 of Legion of Torture, and released official patches and some promos back in the day, so it is not a new band for me. Time ago I labeled Pathogen as one of the best Death Metal acts currently and mostly because of the ability of have made a good combination of many styles of Death Metal, putting own ingredients and making a good offering for Death Metal style in general, passing the new millenium.
This re-release also includes, beside the Blasphemous Communion album from 2008, two tracks of Pathogen side of split 2009 with Brimstone in Fire (also supported by my distro Evil Spirit), and 3 songs from demo 2001 “Invoking Disease”. In total here are 13 tracks.
If you wanna remember, here is an extract from Legion of Torture 1:
“Early 90s Death Metal! Here we can find some sounds like Benediction, Death, Incantation. A dirty noise of death from this phillipinean bastards. Some slow parts gives the atmosphere of obscurity which is required (some part from 2nd track “Blood Orgy” reminds me some old demo from a Peruvian band). The voice is similar to Massacre or Benediction; dirty and raw guitar riffs. Few riffs which are repeated in the song, however it doesn’t makes it boring. The track 5 “Bestial Perversion” is the best for me; it has something similar to old Sepultura, which is a fucking great thing for this old Sepultura fan (me)!!! To finish some solos and tremolo sounds reminds me Mortem, I dunno why!!! It is a traditional Death Metal piece, no modern shit…”
After many releases by Old Temple from Poland (same label of Death Invoker), Pathogen still strikes deadly; not to mention about some upcoming releases among other bestial acts of the subterranean death worship, hehe…
Those wanting to play with figure actions, using Willie Desamero character as an Asian Ken, fukking Barbie, will suffer for sure. This re-release has not any kind of “extra” as your childish wishes want (pin, sticker, patch, candles, boxes, figure actions, autographs, first condom of members, etc), but only have two piece booklet; simple and raw, with lyrics inside… OK, it comes with some sticker that is supposed to be pasted in the jewel case as a symbol of the label, not as a new toy for those that think adding this to their labels will be more “real”. Ancient warriors of simple dubbed regular tapes and xeroxed covers are laughing merciless; didn´t you have realize???
Anyway, it was a great beginning for this new Death Metal label. Expect just more primitive black vomits and ancient rites of death cult from this label only!!! Labels Contact:, . Band Contact:

Reviews from Old Temple (Poland)

Embrional (POL), Cusp of Evil, CD:
Here you can find the noise of a starting band on their first release. It means you will find a production with a bestial mixing, without thinking in being “pro” or other crap.
Riffs strike deadly, proper of a Death Metal band, like a killer chainsaw. Here or there are some dive bombs/horses movements that seems to me killer. Drums are louder than other instruments in my morbid opinion. The band plays mostly brutal, but in fact there are many passages of drums, so the tempos change, from fast to slow, to thrasher.
Vocals are total monstrous. If you ask me, I can say the band is a bit technical when it comes to play between the tempos and the kind of riffs. Fortunately, it is not technical in the sense of “hard riffs”. On the opposite it is technical enough to don’t bore you, but without falling in guys desperate to show their “musical” skills. All of us want Death Metal soldiers after all; not “musicians”, if you get what I mean. All in all, we can say that it is not a “simple band” but has some level of complexity in their compositions.
If you think on Immolation (chords pull), some parts of Incantation (slow and dark), a jackal riffs as Deicide here or there; Monstrosity (Final Cremation summoned some place???) or Malevolent Creation (mid tempo hammering riffs/drums), Morbid Angel summoning too… As you can realize it is oriented to US Death Metal, which fits perfect for me; now you can get an approach to the band.
Almost the entire release gets “intros”, that at first sight I found a bit no sense and that could stop you the darker feeling. But once you listen again, it can be said that, these intros fitted well and got a proper prelude for the songs shown.
It is highly recommended for those worshippers of 90s Death Metal, US style. Those that want direct and simple riffs, that don’t know the US 90s Death Metal style, must avoid it.
This stuff is a second edition of the original release from 2006. Second one has 13 tracks in total, including the songs of 2006 and adding the intros per each, to reach the 13 tracks mentioned.
Current edition is released by Old Temple from Poland in a 3 piece grey color booklet. Some won’t like this kind of presentation, cos maybe they are waiting for a pin, sticker, patch, card, t shirt, candies, balloons, other surprises for kids, etc. They are looking for nice accessories and forgot that METAL is something obscure and evil, not “nice things”. Covers look more evil than the original (in which a clown was shown???) and there appear a couple of phantasmagorical aliens into a bestial crypt or something. The release is completed with an evil and not common pro gold color CD.
Contact the label here:,
Contact the band here:,

Hate Them All (POL), Goat Tormentor, CD:
First of all this is an EP released by Old Temple and the stuff arrived for a proper review. Here we have some misanthropic Black/Thrash from Poland, even with some punk/hardcore touches. Mostly the entire time sounds in the black/speed/thrashings ways, with few blasts beats here or there and some more “blacker” riffs. Some mid-tempo into the songs is also included. I can say everything is well recorded, it is not a noisy release, but you can listen almost all the instruments properly.
Is absolutely rare for me, but that vocals sounds very similar to a Peruvian band, called Crown of Worms; not to be expected ah!? Surely not!
It has a cover and back cover painted by the artist Somluck from some Asian country, where irreligious and obscure entities are shown; while showing a devilish goat making a massive onslaught to some priests, nuns, or something on the back cover. If you would like long booklets with lyrics and that, maybe it would not like you, cos it show only a two pages booklet, with a pic of the members inside.
Clearly they are a kind of misanthropic and hate everything of course, and at the same time they are dressed as death commandos, with soldiers mask and that. Some songs titles seem to be in polish, but those that are possible to understand are: “Unholy War - Without God”, “A Skull Destroyed by Time”, “Destroyer of Bones”; so you can realize these bastards like human bones and total destruction!
It was released with 7 tracks in total, in almost 20 minutes, as it is an EP.
Contact of the band:, and the label can be reached here:,

Sunday 12 April 2020

Int. Artist Hanna Rozpara from Poland

1. What is your background?, How did you start to draw?
I started to draw early, in childhood. The majority of my life was around the art. I was in artistic secondary and high school, then fine arts academy and now PhD degree in art.

2. How did you meet Metal music?, What is the meaning of Metal for you?
I’ve got to know metal music when I was a teenager, I was  about 13 or 14 years old. I was searching for powerful, sublime music, something like Wagner, and I’ve found it in Metal. I didn’t have happiness to start in Metal in its golden times; at that times unfortunately nu metal was on the top (but I didn’t like it, with a few exceptions). I’ve started from Rammstein, through the metal classics, then death metal, epic metal, and ending with black metal.
Metal is like a kind of spiritual feeling, an act of transgression and kathartic experience. It is powerful, it gives a sense of strength. Listening, and especially playing metal is an unique experience, something out of humanity, transcending the  weakness into titanic power; becoming someone else.

3. What are your main inspirations at the time to produce your obscure art?
I have many inspirations, it depends of theme of artwork, which I have to create. There was war, science, postapocalypse, nature, melancholia, alchemy, philosophy… It depends on what I create, the aim of artworks and what I want to express.

4. What kind of special techniques do you use to draw?
I am multidisciplinar artist. In my art I use many techniques and I still search for something new. I make paintings, drawings, photography, printmaking (woodcut, lithography, etching etc), installations, new media, graphic design and music… Techniques of drawing? There are too many of them to write it down there, haha!

5. Is there any kind of special or personal feeling that you want to express?, what feeling and why?
I want to express my thoughts by the art, and in the opposite way, think by the creation of art; creating art is an cognitive process. The best way to find interesting ideas is to start to create, they will come to mind themselves. Art can express wide spectrum of feelings; but rather than express the feelings, I want to evoke feelings and thoughts from me and viewer. Art is a kind of catalyst. Behind every work are lots of theories, philosophical background, and some senses about which I don’t want to talk directly and maybe some senses with a few meanings that I don't even realize.

6. With what artists/bands/labels, etc, did you have work?
I rather rarely work with bands and labels. I made few covers for band Nuclear Thorn, and I made some translations for R’Lyeh zine. I made visual identification for Under The Black Sun festival, and I made some posters for smaller concerts. I also worked with classical musicians - posters and photo sessions. That’s if about metal (and music in general). I mainly work as an independent artist.

7. What are the main/highlight works you have made?
One of my main works is the cycle about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki named “The Radiance of a Thousand Suns”. It was monumental cycle of monochromatic lithographs, installations, objects, video and music; if can be defined as Gesamtkunstwerk. It was about annihilation, crossing the gates of nothingness, kind of revelation of destructive power. Creating this was interesting experience, revealing a lot of meanings. Last year I made some artworks about the meaning of substance, alchemy, radioactivity and origin of universe.

8. In what would you say, you difference your own art from other artists?
I think that in definition artists should be different and constantly strive to be different. My difference? I always want to go by my own patch and searching something new. I try to do many things, and I have artworks in many different styles, I don’t like to stuck in one point.

9. What about the deals to work with you? What do you ask for? (money, trade stuff only)
I rather make artworks for a money, trade stuff occasionally. I mainly cooperate with art galleries.

10. Do you work with your art also for other sectors aside of Metal, can you make it professionally?
Yes, I mainly make my art for sectors aside of Metal and I made it profesionally. I mainly create fine art for gallery shows and artistic open calls, sometimes I lead artistic workshops (calligraphy, photography and others). I had 19 solo exhibitions, and lots of group exhibition, some works I also exhibited abroad, in Portugal, France, Belgium, UK, Croatia, Bulgaria, Taiwan and Japan. Nowadays I make typical metal artworks rather occasionally.

11. Speaking about your Metal scene, what bands, distros, labels, zines and other artists, can you recommend?
Polish metal scene nowadays is very strong, there is lots of broadly known bands, and active underground. From zines I can recomment R’lyeh zine (polish language) – with many interesting interviews, articles and reviews, and excellent feuilletons, leaded like as professional magazine. From English language zines from Poland I can recommend Necroscope zine, which is like as underground metal encyclopaedia and is released twice a year. Another good polish zines are: Infernal Death, Wolfpack (already not released, active in early 2000’s), Chaos Vault, Tribal Convicions, Oldschool Metal Maniac and others.  There are some good labels, Old Temple, Mythrone, Mad Lion, Arachnophobia (already almost closed), the big and known Agonia records any many others. The known label is also Witching Hour, but lastly it begin more and more rip off. An interesting label is Pionierska Records. It’s rather not metal label, but worth to be mentioned. It is experimental label, now specialized in floppy releases, the records are releasing of floppy disks in low editions .This labels releases new stuff very frequently, one new title a week. In general the floppy disk as a music carrier is very rare, there have been released just a bit over thousand music floppys all time.  A floppy  label concentrated on metal is Dangerous Diskettes (from Germany). BTW in the summer I plan to release my ambient and experimental music works on floppy with Pionierska Records.
The most known artists creating metal cover are Rosław Szaybo (died in 2019) – known of f.e. cover of Judas Priest’s “British Steel” and Zbigniew Bielak – made f. e. covers of Watain’s “Lawless Darkness”, Zhrine and Ghost. An artist, who’s art liked by polish metalhead and known abroad is Zdzisław Beksiński. His son, Tomasz Beksiński was radio presenter, very important for polish gothic culture. You can see history of Zdzisław and Tomasz Beksiński in movie “The Last Family”.
As an interesting thing I can mention is that nowadays in contemporary established young art are popular extreme metal themes.

12. Last words and contact!
Thank you for the interview! Keep Metal mighty!